JUICE CLEANSE – Your Ultimate Guide to a Juice Cleanse

organic cold pressed juices


Embarking on a juice cleanse can be a transformative journey for your body and mind. It’s not just about shedding a few pounds—it’s about giving your digestive system a much-needed break, infusing your body with vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes, and resetting your habits towards a healthier lifestyle. View the benefits of a juice cleanse here. At Green Press, we specialize in helping you achieve these goals with our carefully nutritionist designed cold pressed juices. Whether you’re curious about trying a 3 day juice cleanse for the first time or you’re a seasoned juicer looking to refresh your routine, this guide will walk you through every step of the process. We also have two different options for cleansing. We have a juice fast option where you are drinking 6 cold pressed juices per day plus wellness shots. In this option you don’t eat anything else. JUST JUICE! The other option is a juice cleanse where you drink 3 cold pressed juices per day but can also eat some foods. We provide a list of recommended food items you can and can’t have.

Step 1: Preparation for Your Juice Cleanse

Prepare Your Body: Start preparing your body at least a few days before your juice cleanse or juice fast. Gradually reduce caffeine, sugar, dairy, red meat, and processed foods. Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and water to help your body adjust to the change more comfortably.

Plan Your Schedule: Choose a period for your cleanse when your schedule is less hectic. A quieter, more relaxed schedule will help you manage any detox symptoms more easily and allow you to focus on your wellness.

Purchase Your Cleanse: Order your 3 day juice cleanse from Green Press. Our juices are made with the freshest ingredients and are designed to provide optimal nutritional benefits throughout your cleanse. We recommend starting with a 3 day juice cleanse and adding days as you go along. There is no perfect number of days that you should do. The longer you do it, the longer lasting benefits you will feel. We recommend a minimum of a 3 day juice cleanse to ensure your body can go through the cleansing process.

Step 2: During Your Juice Cleanse

Stick to the Plan: Follow the juice cleanse schedule provided. Typically, this involves consuming a juice every 2 to 3 hours. Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help flush toxins from your body.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during the cleanse. Some fatigue, headaches, or hunger pangs are normal, especially in the first few days as your body adjusts. However, if you experience severe symptoms, adjust your intake by including a small amount of raw fruits or vegetables.

Stay Lightly Active: While heavy exercise isn’t recommended during a cleanse, light activities such as walking, yoga, or gentle stretching can enhance your circulation and help with the detoxification process. If you are doing the juice cleanse option with food, staying active at the gym is OK.

Step 3: Post-Cleanse Transition

Ease Back into Eating: Don’t rush to heavy foods immediately after your cleanse. Gradually reintroduce solid foods, starting with soups and steamed vegetables, and progressively adding more variety over several days.

Reflect on Your Experience: Take some time to reflect on how you feel after the cleanse. Many find they have increased energy, better digestion, and a renewed taste for healthy foods. Reflecting on this helps you to make healthier food choices moving forward. You may also feel that including a green juice into your daily diet will help you reap the benefits of cold pressed juices on a daily basis. We offer subscription programs that you can subscribe to and choose your juices. You can change your juices weekly so you always have a fresh new variety of the best cold pressed juices!

Maintain Healthy Habits: Try to carry some of the good habits you’ve formed during the cleanse into your everyday life. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet and reducing processed foods can help maintain the benefits of your cleanse.

Success Stories

To inspire you, here are some success stories from our customers who have experienced significant benefits from the Green Press 3 day juice cleanse:

  • Emily R. from Toronto: “After completing my first ever juice cleanse with Green Press, I’ve never felt more revitalized. My skin cleared up, and I felt a boost in my energy levels. It was challenging but definitely worth it!”
  • Mark L. from Oakville: “The 3 day juice cleanse was a perfect reset for my body. I lost some weight, but more importantly, I’ve adopted healthier eating habits post-cleanse. Highly recommend!”


A juice cleanse is a powerful tool to reset your body and start fresh on your health journey. With Green Press, you’re not only getting a product but a full support system to help guide you through to achieving your health goals. Ready to start? Visit our Juice Cleanse page to find the perfect plan for you. If you’re not sure which plan is right for you, you can chat with our live chat customer support, or email us at info@greenpress.ca. We are happy to help guide you in the right direction to ensure the start of your 3 day juice cleanse is a success! Visit our FAQ for frequently asked questions.

Some additional resources for you to view about the benefits of cleaning & detoxing

Healthline – Benefits of Juice Cleanses

Harvard Health Publishing – Detoxes and Cleanses

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health – Cleansing and Detoxification

The Ultimate Green Juice for Kids to Enjoy.

kids drinking green juice

As parents, ensuring our children receive the best nutrition is a top priority. However, enticing kids to embrace healthy greens can sometimes be a challenge. It’s almost like they know. Show them a cup of green juice versus orange juice and they may likely choose the orange one. We can help change mindset. Although they might not change their minds entirely, this will hopefully encourage them to add greens into their diet and start to enjoy them. Today we’re sharing a delightful and kid-approved green juice recipe that will have your little ones asking for more. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this tasty concoction is sure to make their taste buds dance with joy!

The Green Juice Recipe Kids Will Love


  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 apples (any variety your child prefers)
  • A handful of collard greens (can substitute with spinach or kale)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 ripe pear

Why Kids Will Adore This Green Juice:

  1. Deliciously Sweet: The natural sweetness of apples and pears in this green juice masks the taste of greens, making it appealing to even the pickiest eaters.
  2. Packed with Essential Nutrients: Loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium, calcium, and iron from the greens and fruits, this juice boosts their growing bodies.
  3. Supports Healthy Digestion: Cucumber aids digestion, while the fiber-rich fruits help keep their tummies happy and healthy.
  4. Keeps Them Hydrated: With its high water content, cucumber and pear help keep kids hydrated, especially during active play.
  5. Strengthens Their Immune System: The vitamin C from apples and lemon juice bolsters their immune system, protecting them from seasonal illnesses.

How to Incorporate Green Juice into Your Kids’ Diet:

  1. Create a Fun Name: Give the juice a playful name like “Superhero Juice” or “Dinosaur Magic Elixir” to get kids excited about drinking it. This might be key so try to name it something that your child loves.
  2. Involve Them in the Process: Let your kids participate in making the juice. They can help wash the produce, press the button on the juicer (under adult supervision), and even mix the ingredients together.
  3. Serve in Colorful Cups: Present the green juice in vibrant and appealing cups or glasses to make it visually enticing.
  4. Pair with Snacks: Offer the green juice alongside their favourite healthy snacks, such as whole-grain crackers, apple slices, or carrot sticks.
  5. Make it a Routine: Establish a daily or weekly routine for enjoying the green juice together as a family. This way, it becomes a cherished tradition.

Healthy eating can indeed be fun and enjoyable for kids with this green juice recipe. Packed with essential nutrients and disguised by the natural sweetness of fruits, this kid-friendly green juice will nourish their growing bodies and put a smile on their faces. Embrace this nutritious addition to their diet and watch your little ones flourish with every sip!

Don’t have a juicer but want to try a green juice for your kids? We recommend mixing one of our green juices with either our pure orange juice or our pineapple concoction Island Breeze. Mix 2 parts of green juice with 1 part of orange juice or pineapple juice. To read on juicing for kids more we recommend visiting All About Juicing where they discuss a few more recipes your kids may like. Cheers to happy little tummies and a brighter future for your kids!

How to Boost your Immune System

Well isn’t this the topic of the season with all the germs going around?!  Scientists are still researching on how one can actually boost or improve their immune system to avoid getting sick.  There are still things you can do to improve your chances of not getting sick, or AS sick!  According to Harvard here are a few things you can do to ensure you have a strong and healthy immune system.

  1. Sleep well! Make sure you are getting restful sleep with 7-8 hours of sleep per night.  There are many things you can do that involve actually getting restful sleep which include but are not limited to avoiding too much screen time right before bed and trying to meditate for a few minutes before bed.
  2. Exercise.  Try to get at least 30 min of exercise in everyday, even if this is only a 30 min walk. Bundle up for cold temperatures and try to get that heart rate going!
  3. Don’t smoke!  Seems like this one is a given right?
  4. Minimize stress.  We all have some sort of stress going on in our lives.  Try to find coping mechanisms so that this does not get into the way of your daily routine of life and start to negatively affect your mental health.  Coping mechanisms may include: yoga, gardening, walking, other forms of exercise, reading, painting, colouring (yea this helps! it’s actually so satisfying).
  5. Ensure you are eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet.  These are essential for your body’s growth, maintenance and repair.  Remember your body was designed to try to heal itself.  By incorporating healthy food into your diet and staying away from processed food you are allowing it to do just that.  Heal itself.  Famous quote that says “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” is what we like to live by!

Remember, the immune system is a system.  So its not a single entity and needs balance and harmony to function properly.