How to reduce bloating


Dealing with bloating can be a real challenge, leaving you feeling uneasy and sluggish. Many people go on living their lives with this discomfort not knowing there are methods to beat the bloat for good. Bloating isn’t necessarily caused by a certain food, rather a compilation of daily diet and habits. Here are some practical steps you can follow to slowly be on your journey to reduce bloating and get rid of it for good. Remember it’s a journey and like all things they all take time and effort.

Reduce Bloating Naturally

  1. Avoid drinking anything with your meals and 15 min before and after your meals. This helps reduce bloating because your stomach acid won’t be diluted by the drink thus can perform its job properly. This stomach acid is what helps to properly break down the food in your stomach.
  2. Chew, chew, and chew. Slow down while you eat and chew your food properly. Making sure the food is properly chewed activates enzymes in your mouth that help to break down the food. The food becomes smaller and thus easier for your stomach to break it down.
  3. Hydration. Ensure you are sipping on water throughout the day and opt to hydrate at least 15 minutes before meals to reduce bloating. You don’t want to drink with you meals so you can avoid diluting your stomach acid.
  4. Probiotics. Incorporate a good quality probiotic into your daily diet. Maintaining healthy gut flora is important to reduce bloating and the likelihood of discomfort. We love using Genestra products and this probiotic. Even children can start a probiotic – View this recommended children’s probiotic. By introducing good bacteria this can minimize excess gas in the body which in turn reduces bloating or the occurrence of bloating.

By incorporating these practical tips into your daily routine you’re taking significant steps towards a more comfortable and bloat-free life. Your dedication to mindful eating, proper hydration, and gut-friendly choices will undoubtedly reward you with improved digestion and a happier, healthier you.