Our Dear Friends,
We hope that you are keeping safe and healthy. At Green Press, we are taking numerous measures to ensure the safety of our staff and customers. We would like to share our protocols, and invite you to ask any questions you may have.
At a high-level, we have implemented the following as of March 2020 and follow all guidelines from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. https://www.ccohs.ca/images/products/pandemiccovid19/pdf/food_service.pdf. Detailed information on our practices can be found at the end of this email:
- Juice Bottles and Returns: We follow an intensive 3-stage cleaning process for all bottles. We are currently accepting clean bottles only for returns.
- Juicing Process and Food Safety: All staff are required to wear protective equipment while handling produce and bottles. All produce is triple washed, in accordance with optimal food safety guidelines. There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 being spread through food or food packaging. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/covid19.html#food_safety_during
- Physical Distancing and Sanitation: All staff and customers are required to wear masks when in store and to stand 6-feet apart (with decals to highlight distance). We have ensured that we have hand sanitizer available and ask that customers sanitize when entering the store, and we have extra masks for anyone that has forgotten theirs. We disinfect all high-traffic areas hourly.
- In Person Dining: We are operating under temporary reduced hours at our Oakville and Port Credit locations for pick-up and take-out only. In-store dining is not currently available. Our Toronto location remains closed for the time being.
- Juice Sampling: We have stopped the sampling of in-store cold pressed juices. (We know you love to try these and can’t wait to re-introduce this once it is safe!)
Samar & Suhail
Founders of Green Press
Additional Information:
Bottle Returns & Washing Process:
We are currently accepting clean bottles only. All of our bottles, including those that are returned to us undergo an intensive 3 stage cleaning process. First, they are soaked in a water and bleach solution. Second, they are thoroughly scrubbed. Thiird, they are placed into our high temperature dishwasher that reaches approx 180 degrees F. This three step process ensures they are clean, sanitized, and safe for use. This has been our process since our inception 5 years ago, to ensure the safety of all our customers. This process, along with the research that has determined that transmission through food or food packaging is extremely low (there have been no confirmed cases linked to food), we have decided to proceed with our bottle recycling program and not put this on hold. We will always follow the latest research and science to stay informed and make the best decisions for our staff, customers and community. More information can be found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/covid19.html#food_safety_during
Juicing Process:
Our staff and juicers are required to always wear protective equipment, including gloves and masks, while maintaining physical distancing. Our juicing facility is over 3000 sq ft, and our employees maintain more than 6ft of space between each other when working. Additionally, food as not been found to be a source of transmission, and we are ensuring that our process would mitigate any risk (although extremely low) that there may be. Our produce is triple washed, and comes straight from local farms here in Ontario and from the Ontario food terminal. There is no other contact with the produce during this process. More information can be found here: https://www.icmsf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ICMSF2020-Letterhead-COVID-19-opinion-final-03-Sept-2020.BF_.pdf
As an establishment that serves food and beverage products, store cleanliness and sanitation has always been extremely important to us. We bring in pest control regularly to ensure our stores are pest free (yes this is a real issue among food establishments!) We operate with strict cleaning measures in place and have increased our daily sanitation process further since the beginning of the pandemic to ensure the safety of our customers.
In store dining:
We are temporarily closed for dine in our Mississauga and Oakville locations. We have made the decision to keep our Oakville location closed for dine-in, although indoor dining is not restricted in Halton Region. We personally feel that the area is too small to accommodate dine-in in a physically distanced and safe manner. We want to ensure that our patrons feel welcome and safe at all times.
Although we are closed for dine-in, we are open at BOTH Mississauga and Oakville to serve you safely for take-out and pickup! All staff and customers are required to wear masks when in store, wand to stand 6-feet apart (with decals to highlight distance). Staff are also required to wash their hands regularly and wear gloves. We have ensured that we have hand sanitizer available and ask that customers sanitize when entering the store, and we have extra masks for anyone that has forgotten theirs. We disinfect all high-traffic areas hourly. We follow all of the guidelines set out by Health Canada to mitigate risk of transmission between staff, customers and the community.
In addition to take out at our Mississauga and Oakville locations, we also offer curbside pickup and in-store pickup. You can also order online and receive FREE delivery on most orders over $50 depending on where you live, OR find us on UberEats, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes, and Ritual.